Are we in a cyber war? What is stuxnet ?Who created stuxnet. Is India prepared enough to handle cyber attack.

The next war may well have to be fought on the internet where the country's vital networks and infrastructures will be targeted.

what is cyberwar?

The 21st century is also seen as a rise of another kind of warfare. the warfare that leads the nation to do battle without guns or bombs.

Cyberwarfare is a new challenge for which nations, national security is concern.
We have an advantage over any form of defence competition except cyberattacks. We can protect our nation from any kind of attack from land, air, and water. 

When you see the potential that a successful cyberattack can achieve it's enough to make you deeply concern.

Cyber attacks can cause electrical blackouts, failure of military equipment, to leak nation security secrets. They can result in the theft of valuable data, and also damage the nuclear mission.


In 2007 an Iranian nuclear engineer plugged his laptop in a secure network connection.

 After a week hundreds of uranium enrich centrifuges started to spin out of control without a single warning from other computers.

 Hence, destroyed the nuclear project. After research for the failure of this operation, the name of Stuxnet came out.

What is Stuxnet?

It is a malicious computer code or warm, this virus especially attack programmable logic controllers.

 This allows automation of process just like machines in factory assembly lines, amusement parks rides, centrifuges for separating nuclear materials.

This code is injected in an Iranian nuclear project monitoring computer network and this warm started monitoring all the projects of uranium and after 7 days.
 when the project, is completed warm attacked immediately and destroyed uranium centrifuges.

On 1 Jun 2012, an article in NewYork times said that Stuxnet is a part of Israeli and the US, intelligence operation called operation Olympic started under President George W Bush and expanded under President Barack Obama.

After destroying the nuclear project this warm escaped and started infecting computers all over the world.
now the blueprint of this weapon is available all over the world. It is a kind of cyber weapon armed race.

Computers affected by  Stuxnet in countries.

Iran   =  58.85%
US      =  1.57%
Pakistan = 1.28%
other    =   9.2%

We can protect our nation from all of the wars except cyberwar.
So it is important to build a strong cybersecurity cell because there is a loop pole in every system.

Countries that have the most powerful cyber warfare are the US, China, Russia, Israel, and the UK.

According to experts, North Koreans have developed an advanced cyber program that steals hundreds and millions of dollars.

Is India prepared enough to handle cyber attacks

India is on the threshold of digital age former national security minister  MK Narayan on Wednesday said the country needs to strengthen its capacity to deal with a new wave of cyberwarfare.

India has approx 10,000 cyber soldiers whereas china prepared 10 lakh, cybersecurity experts.
India still doesn't have a proper system to access the nature of the cyber threats and respond to them effectively.

In this digital age, the use of Adhar cards, net banking, credit cards, are becoming the danger not only it becomes easier to catch the identity of a person online but also once the malware codes come into the open market it can be injected easily in government software.


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